15 Days and Counting Till Election

The US Election is just around the corner, and I am ready to watch the world burn like a damn hobo trashcan fire; I swear if I have to hear more bitching about the election, I am going to chuck both myself and the idiot who won’t shut-up from a 19th floor window [I need to stop writing these articles while watching Fugget About It]…Where was I? Oh, Right the election.

Let’s be real I know so many People fear that Trump will win and the shit will hit the fan, lets be real about this if Trump does win he isn’t really going to do much.

There is so much bureaucratic nonsense and red tape not much will get done even if Trump attempted to do anything. I mean Trump basically did nothing during the four years he had so can we really think he’s going to do something different now if he gets a 2nd chance? I don’t think so.

Now what about if Kamala wins, well Kamala is downright feckless who claims to be someone who comes from the middle class and cares for those types of people.

She’s really not when you think how her Parents have track records like her father being an assistant professor University of Illinois and Stanford University for starters while her mother worked at McGill University. Yeah sorry you don’t get to say you come from the middle class when you’re backing is McGill University and Stanford parents.

People just need to calm the fuck down, get a drink and just relax since both of these idiots are going to either do nothing or equally ruin the country, it’s the lesser of two evils at this point.

So grab a lawn chair, grab some popcorn and enjoy the fucking shitshow that is coming

Until next time
This is The Professor
Signing Off.