WinAMP really kicked the lama’s ass back in the day and sweet Jesus in heaven the GIT repo is broken beyond belief; I shared a video from a YouTuber by the name “ThePrimeTime” who has messed up moustache that looks like something straight out of the 1980s.
Ranging from a messed up Licence, leaked Dolby source code and some of the most broken and half assed source code that looks like something that is so broken it would never be allowed to be shown in the modern day.
Whoever handles the WinAMP source code also has no idea how to handle GitHub, sometimes I wonder Linus Torvolds creating GIT was a mistake that has caused more harm to the world than good but on the otherhand if it wasn’t for GIT many open source projects would have been lost to time.
I can only pray to the open source gods that we will get an active LINUX port of WINAMP and along with the resurgence of StarCraft due to Microsoft’s “Game Pass” perhaps we can have the golden age; the age that would have made TotalBiscuit proud [Rest in Peace].
WinAMP gave me some of my best memories of blasting EuroDance/EuroBeat and watch 240p streams of StarCraft events…Perhaps nature is truly healing and I am here to enjoy this ride of insanity.