I’ve been getting back into EVE Online as I attempt to learn rust better and somehow I’ve dragged myself into an odd side project of my own unhinged creation.
Along with being really sick didn’t help at all but finally better and back on my game, it was nearly impossible to focus.

So readers you might be wondering what the hell I am blathering about when I said I have my own “Unhinged Project” well I decided to whip up a tiny site for my EVE Online character I’ve created of Rex Orbitgrave [the name was meant to be a throwback to old sci-fi comics and serials].
By the time you read this the site should be live just without any articles.
I have also been working on a Slackware Linux based project as I need a version of Linux that will be very Long Term; I even went as far as to create my own image for my internal fork I am building up for servers.
I used to use RedHat Linux for my server needs but with RedHat telling Open Source they can fuck off I decided to go with the 2nd oldest Linux Distro.
For those who are unaware Slackware Linux was created by Patrick Volkerding in 1993 and the mascot of Slackware is a modified version of the Linux mascot Tux the penguin smoking a pipe based off the image of J. R. “Bob” Dobbs’ head; but we know I had to put my own spin on it.
So rather than your normal Smoking Pipe I decided to go with a pipe based off the pipe seen in “When the Seagulls Cry” and I also referenced “When the Seagulls Cry” in my post “MetaTrader Scripting Woes”
So fear not, I am not dead…sick sure, working on a bunch of projects sure but I’m still here to quote the old man from Monty Python’s Holy Grail “I’m not dead, I’m getting better!”
Until next time
This is The Professor
Signing Off.