What the hell are you doing, Lenovo? I’m someone who used to love ThinkPads and would use them exclusively but recently their going down the hill to the point I actually feel in a pinch I’d rather go with an Elitebook [HP] or MacBook [Apple] than a ThinkPad; yet given the choice as someone who lives out of a duffel bag I’d much rather NovaCustom out of Haaksbergen.It would seem that I am not the only person who seen Yuanqing Yang [The Current CEO of Lenovo] and his lackeys ruin this once great brand with such things as soldiered on ram and non-existent support half the time.
Recently I had to look at a new machine for a person on the go machine as my nearly decade old ThinkPad decided to kick the bucket.
Why must so many of their sub 15″ laptops require soldiered on ram? I think it’s because they want to cut corners.
When I tried to contact Lenovo support to ask if they still sold machines that came with LINUX [so I don’t have to pay a Windows Licence Fee] only to discover at some point they dropped this option, now you must either buy a ChromeBook or machine with Windows 11 both being glorified spyware at this point.
I swear more and more I hate what Tech is becoming, I could easily rant about the nightmare of setting up a Canon printer as it turns out many don’t even come with a USB cable anymore, but that’s for another day.
I know I should make this article longer, but at this point I need to get back to looking for a new machine.
Until next time
This is The Professor
Signing Off.