Swine of the Week: Lenovo Group Limited

What the hell are you doing, Lenovo? I’m someone who used to love ThinkPads and would use them exclusively but recently their going down the hill to the point I actually feel in a pinch I’d rather go with an Elitebook [HP] or MacBook [Apple] than a ThinkPad; yet given the choice as someone who lives out of a duffel bag I’d much rather NovaCustom out of Haaksbergen. Read more “Swine of the Week: Lenovo Group Limited”

15 Days and Counting Till Election

The US Election is just around the corner, and I am ready to watch the world burn like a damn hobo trashcan fire; I swear if I have to hear more bitching about the election, I am going to chuck both myself and the idiot who won’t shut-up from a 19th floor window [I need to stop writing these articles while watching Fugget About It]…Where was I? Oh, Right the election.

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